Boden Launches Brand New Initiative with Baby Basics

Boden has a new partnership with Baby Basics, a charity that supports vulnerable families with baby and children’s clothing donations. The retailer is encouraging customers to make donations of ‘pre-loved’ clothes for 0 to 6 years to Baby Basics. In order to…

Hello Magazine – Kate Middleton Visits Sheffield Baby Bank

The Duchess of Cambridge donned a mask, apron and gloves today as she launched a major initiative to support vulnerable babies and children. On a visit to the baby bank charity Baby Basics UK in Sheffield, she revealed how she was moved to tears by the stories of families she met during secret lockdown visits to its West Norfolk branch near her Anmer Hall home.

Read more in Hello Magazine and see the stunning pictures of the Duchess on her visit to us on the link below:

Our Royal visit

HRH unpacking a delivery

Baby Basics has had such an incredibly privileged and exciting day today, hosting The Duchess of Cambridge at our UK headquarters in Sheffield! We are honoured to announce The Duchess of Cambridge is supporting baby banks and vulnerable families across…

Baby Basics Sheffield on Look North

Today the work of Baby Basics Sheffield is featured on the BBC’s Look North program. The article highlights the massive increase in referrals we’ve seen in Sheffield due to the coronovirus pandemic. You can see the full article here –…

Local Tesco makes good

Our CEO, Cat Ross, was turned away from a local Tesco store whilst trying to buy essential items to meet our referrals. Despite showing her ID and trying to explain the situation, store staff wouldn’t listen and refused to let…