Cost of living: At least 50 children need a bed in Sheffield – tonight

Sky News highlight issues that we are trying to tackle

“Baby Basics UK, which was founded in Sheffield, has told Sky News there are over 50 children in the city waiting for a proper bed or cot.

Demand for their help has jumped by almost a third while donations have slowed down.

“We have got babies sleeping long term in travel cots,” charity chief executive Cat Ross said. ” Read the full article below

Read Article on Sky News here

If you feel like you can help you can donate financially here

Ukrainian Support Update

Just this week we have supported 124 Ukrainian children & their families resettling in the UK via the #Homesforukraine scheme.

That is 1180 children in just 11 weeks but more families NEED our support.

We are running low on stock to be able to support more children, especially newborn suitable prams, sippy cups, bibs, baths & toys. Please help if you can

Shop our Amazon Wishlist here

Update – We Need Your Help

Watch Here for an Update from CEO, Cat Ross.

We need your help please donate here
We continue to support Afghan families in bridging hotels & Ukraine families arriving in the UK – we’re honoured we get to do this but we can’t do it without YOU!

Update on Support for Ukraine Referrals

Due to the high level of demand we are PAUSING our support for Ukrainian families arriving in the UK.

We will reopen for referrals on Monday 13th June.

If you submit a referral before then it will be deleted.

This will allow us to catch up with present referrals that have been submitted.

Thank you for your understanding.

9 women creating change in their communities – Featuring Baby Basics CEO, Cat Ross

Our wonderful CEO was featured in the Action Funder blog celebrating International Women’s Day.

“When Cat was offered the chance to lead baby basics she jumped at it with both hands. Baby basics started in Sheffield in 2009 with the aim of supporting families struggling to meet the financial demands of looking after a new baby. Under Cat’s leadership, the charity has grown into a country-wide network of centres supporting vulnerable families.

“It is so amazing to lead an organisation that is passionate about making a difference to vulnerable families at a local level.” “

Read the full blog here